L'application Jobs est utilisée pour publier et rechercher des emplois.
When you enter the Jobs app, the first thing you will see is a collection of all current job offers in your organisation. Every job offer is represented by a card. Clicking on the card will open the job page.
Applying for a job
A job page offers you a description of the job and any further details that might be provided.
From here you can bookmark a job by clicking on the bookmark icon to save it for later. Bookmarked jobs are stored under the tab ‘Bookmarked’ on the main page of the app.
You can also directly reply to the offer by clicking on ‘Apply for this job’. You will be presented with a page that allows for writing a motivation why you would like to apply for this job and an upload button for your CV. The person or persons reponsible for handling the job offers will receive your application in the form of an e-mail.
Creating a job offer
Creating a job offer is only possible if you belong to a user group that has access to this feature. If creating job offers is enabled for you, then a plus-icon appear on the main screen of the Jobs app. Contact your system administrator if you don’t see this icon, but you think that this option should be available to you.
After you clicked on the plus-icon, you’ll be presented with a form that offers various fields for all aspects of the job offer.
After you’ve filled out the form and clicked on ‘Save’, the job offer will be stored as a draft. Drafts are only visible to users who have the possiblity to create job offers. Drafts are filed under the the tab ‘Drafts’ on the main screen of the Jobs app.
After you’ve saved the job offer you can either make corrections at any time by clicking on ‘edit’ or make the job offer visible to other users by clicking on the ‘Draft’ in the top right hand corner and change it to ‘Public’ or submit the job offer for review by your HR department by setting the document to ‘Submitted’. Someone from another user group, such as HR, can now review the application and make the job offer visible to other users by clicking on ‘Submitted’ in the top right hand corner and change it to ‘Public’.
Niveaux dʼautorisation
Basic | Manage | Manage | |
View job offers | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Reply to job offers | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Add job offers | ✅ | ✅ | |
Publish job offers | ✅ | ✅ | |
Delete job offers | ✅ | ✅ |