L'application Contrats vous aide à stocker des contrats et à les filtrer ou à les regrouper pour trouver vos obligations.
The new contracts app
The Contracts app is an extension for Quaive for storing and managing contracts. To open the app, go to the overview page of the apps and click on the “Contracts” tile.
1. Create a new area
In the Contracts app, you can define your own areas in which contracts can be stored. You can subsequently assign authorizations for these areas to determine, which users can view and edit the content of an area.
To create a new area in the Contracts app, please click on the folder icon on the overview page of the app with a plus in the top right corner below the horizontal tab navigation.
A form for creating a new area is opened. Enter the name of the area to be created and click on Save.
The area is created and opened immediately.
2. Create a new contract in an area
To create a new contract in the area you have created, please click the plus icon in the upper right corner below the horizontal tab navigation.
A form for the new contract to be created opens. Complete at least the fields marked with an asterisk.
Explanation of the most important fields:
- Reference number: unique, freely selectable number for your contract
- Extension / change: an existing contract can be set here as a reference, if the new contract is an extension or change of it
- Responsible: User who, upon reaching the specified deadline before the end of the contract or Contract extension, receives a notification.
- Project name: freely selectable name of the project
- Company name: Name of the company involved
- Contract type: contract type - to choose from a list of predefined values
- Interest reminder: Date when a reminder to check the interest is sent
- Contract period (from): start of contract
- Contract period (until): end of contract - this date is also used to calculate the Notification time for contract end and extension
- Warning message about the end of the contract (in days): enter how many days before Contract end you want to receive notification of the early end of the contract
- Contract extension warning message (in days): specify how many days before End of contract you want to receive notification of any contract renewal
- Periodic check (in years): specify here, in which interval (in years) you would like to receive a notification for a general review
Click Save to create your contract. The contract is now displayed
3. Add attachments to an existing contract
To attach files to an existing contract, simply drag them to the marked area as in Quaive accustomed.
The files are displayed in list form above the contract information and can subsequently either be deleted, renamed or downloaded using the icons displayed behind the title of the file.
4. Edit existing contract
To edit an existing contract later, choose the action “edit contract” in the view of the Contract.
The contract appears in the edit mask - you can now change the data.
5. Print the contract
To print out an existing contract in a clear print version, select the action “print contract” in the view of the contract.
The contract is opened in a formatted print view and the printing process of the browser is accessed.
Contract confirmation
- Reference number: 0001
- Business area: City association contracts
- Project name: Example project
- Company name: Example company
- Manner of contract: Change order
Summary: A sample contract for demonstration purposes
- Aggregate value: CHF 1000.0 * Budgeted: yes
- Interest: 3,0% * Interest reminder: 2020-10-14
- Contract term (from): 2019-10-01 * Contract term (until): 2022-10-31
- Period for the end of contract * Period of warning for contract renewal (in days): 30 warning message (in days): 30
- Further information:
- Geprüft & bestätigt von:
- Date:
- Date:
- Date:
- Remarks:
6. Notifications
You have various options in the Contracts app to be notified about a contract.
For this the two time indications (in days) are relevant that you set, when creating and editing a contract.
There are various fields in a contract, the entry of which causes a notification:
Interest reminder (Date): On the key date here, an interest reminder will be sent per mail to the email address of the as-responsible registered user.
Warning message about the end of the contract (in days): The number of days specified here will be deducted from the date of the end of the contract. To the calculated time, a notification of the impending end of the contract will be sent by email to the Email address of the user registered as responsible.
Warning message about contract renewal (in days): The number of days specified here will be deducted from the date of the contract end. To the calculated time will be a notification to remind you of any Contract extension to the email address of the user registered as responsible by Email sent.
Periodic review (in years): Periodically, after expiration of the specified number of years from the beginning of the contract, a notification will be sent to the email address of the user registered as responsible.
7. Remove the marking of a contract
If a notification for a contract is sent (e.g. by the related end of the Term of the contract, for the interest rate check and for the periodic check), the contract will be provided with a mark. This indicates e.g. in the area overview that this contract requires an action.
In the contract view you can recognize a marked contract by the yellow info box. Via the link “View status log” you can access the status log at the bottom of the Contract view that contains an entry for each notification.
You can mark the contract using the “Remove mark” button reset to default.
8. Filter and search contracts
In the contract overview you can restrict the list of existing contracts using different filter criteria.
To do this, click on the “Filter” link to display the filter criteria.
The set filters are automatically applied and the list is newly created.
9. Save the list of contracts
You can download and save the list you have created as a CSV file. You can access this function via the 3-point icon in the top right corner below the horizontal tab navigation.
10. Permissions
The permissions for an area within the Contracts app can be set administratively as well as subsequently changed.
To do this, please switch to the CMS view of the portal - if you have the required permissions - and open the main folder of the app in the following URL Folder View:
Important: Please use the same information as login and password as for
You will now see the list of area folders in the Contracts app.
Now select the area for which you want to change the authorizations by clicking on the corresponding entry in the list.
The area opens. Now select The action “Release” in the black toolbar on the right, vertical winddow edge.
Now you can see the current permissions for this area. Now type in the name of the user or group for whom you want to assign permissions in the search field and confirm the entry with “Search”.
The group (s) and or users that were found for your search will now be listed.
Set the permissions for the user or group that should receive the new permissions by ticking the checkbox for the respective authorization.
In order to grant a user or group only read access to an area, please tick only the checkbox under “Can view”. If you want a user or a group to be able to create and edit contracts, please choose the checkboxes for “Can edit”, “Can add” and “Can publish”.
Important: Check the box next to “Permissions from parent folders take over” to avoid that the permissions on the Entire folders for contracts also apply to the area to be changed. E.g. if multiple parties have permissions to create areas in the contracts app they also have the right to view and edit their area.
Then click the “Save” button to persist the changes.
Niveaux dʼautorisation
Basic | |
View contracts | ✅ |
Create contracts | ✅ |
Edit/delete contracts | ✅ |